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AIPIA:Conference during the TokyoPack exhibition


They will cover some of the latest developments in A&IP technologies, including printed electronics, RFID, new sustainable materials, interactive packs, time/temperature indicators, NFC/mobile commerce and how to commercialize many of these innovations.
The conference will explore the possible applications for these products, such as extending shelf-life, security, marketing and total supply chain management.
Plus there will be the opportunity to see how easy it is to become an instant A&IP expert by making a personal smart tag. Smartrac will demonstrate its very latest RFID products and give delegates the chance to make their own, unique NFC tag at the event. The company says this is just the beginning of the possibilities for applications of RFID/NFC - which is why it has opened the very first NFC Shop in downtown Tokyo, bringing the ideas straight to the consumers, who can customize their requirements for even small batch use.
As the RFID technology develops, more and more applications are becoming possible. NFC tags can help provide additional product information; better marketing integration; plus the ability to share the information via Social Media. In addition NFC has the potential to be used to add security features to some high value or hazardous products.
AIPIA believes this will be the first opportunity to listen to presentations across a broad range of A&IP products. Association Director Eef de Ferrante comments, "The whole idea behind AIPIA is to bring Active & Intelligent Packaging together in one place and demonstrate its potential as a sector. This conference already shows just how much is happening in A&IP. Our event is the first step in connecting users and product developers in order to commercialize these new technologies."

Find the full program here.